Friday, May 22, 2020

The Mannerist Movement - 575 Words

Discuss Mannerist Movement Discuss the Mannerist movement. What are the factors that helped bring it about? The biggest factor that helped to bring about the Mannerist movement was the logical shift towards naturalism during the Renaissance period. This is when there was a focus a depicting the subject and the background as realistically as possible. These changes helped to influence creativity and expression. Mannerism was the next logical step in testing these boundaries of creativity by focusing on realism combined with scale and perspective. (Stokstad, 2010) What are some of its recognizable features? The most recognizable features include: subjects depicted in realistic settings and the use of style to show a different perspective. The way that realism is utilized is to highlight the different activities the subjects are involved in. This is accomplished by making their poses and actions seem very ordinary. Then, they are utilizing various colors and features to bring out their physical attributes. These different elements are designed to highlight similarities with ordinary society. (Stokstad, 2010) The use of style is when artists were testing the boundaries of creativity. The way that this was accomplished was to have more a mystical background in the painting. This was achieved through using different colors (such as: a backdrop and bright foreground). At the same time, the body features are altered slightly to enhance the appearance of the subject. WhenShow MoreRelatedBronzinos Venus, Cupid, Folly, and Time and Manets Le Dejeuner s ur Lherbe930 Words   |  4 PagesHigh Renaissance. Mannerists didn’t practice the rules of Renaissance masters, which they considered to be completed and thought there was nothing to improve. The new way of drawing attention into their art in the period was to deny Naturalism, perfect anatomical details and mathematical composition and context. 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Early Mannerist period art is known for its anti-Renaissance style which over time developed into a mor e intellectual style designed to appeal to a more sophisticated patron. Artists of this time, such as Correggio, Fiorentino and Parmigianino, were followers of the Renaissance masters. Mannerism was an artistic approach that focused on the humanRead MoreEssay Issues of Mannerism1830 Words   |  8 PagesThe movement in painting that is now referred to as Mannerism began in Italy around 1520, influenced artists throughout Europe, and lasted until the end of the 16th century. The word Mannerism originates from the Italian word maniera which translates into the English word style. The basis of Mannerism then is style; it’s a period of art where the focus was on grace and beauty. 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Apart from the architects in the Early Renaissance pursuing the sense of harmony, balance and immutability, Mannerists favored disharmony, imbalance, tension, unresolved conflicts. What’s more, during this time, notions of time and ruin were raised, along with exaggerations of relationships which produces compositional tension and perceived instability. S. Spirito

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